More efficiency, less costs

Discover your savings potential

With the Liquidtool AutoPilot you can save up to US$ 5000 per year per machine. 

How do we calculate that? Check out the breakdown below.


Coolant savings

On average 40% less coolant consumption
Example: Saving 85 liters at 10.-/liter

Time saving measuring, documenting, topping up

Everything is fully automated, no manual work
Example: 80 min per machine per week in 2-shift operation

Process stability, lower scrap rate, fewer customer complaints

No fluctuations in concentration, no surprises in the process
Example: customer complaint = administration effort, rework, reputation damage

Better coolant performance due to less foam, stickiness, corrosion

When coolant is set perfectly, the machine has to be cleaned less often
Example: Cleaning effort per machine

Longer tool life

Extension of tool life through optimal concentration
Example: Broken off tap due to too low concentration

Reduction of days lost by employees

Reduction of the risk of skin rashes
(Most frequent reason for absenteeism in Germany)
Example: Reduction by 1 sick day per year

Total potential savings per machine per year

Savings per year per machine

on average
US$ 960

on average
US$ 2200

at least
US$ 330

on average
US$ 220

on average
US$ 1100

up to
US$ 220

US$ 5000


Savings per year per machine

Coolant savings

On average 40% less coolant consumption
Example: Saving 85 liters at 10.-/liter

on average
US$ 960

Time saving measuring, documenting, topping up

Everything is fully automated, no manual work
Example: 80 min per machine per week in 2-shift operation

on average
US$ 2200

Process stability, lower scrap rate, fewer customer complaints

No fluctuations in concentration, no surprises in the process
Example: customer complaint = administration effort, rework, reputation damage

at least
US$ 330

Better coolant performance due to less foam, stickiness, corrosion

When coolant is set perfectly, the machine has to be cleaned less often
Example: Cleaning effort per machine

on average
US$ 220

Longer tool life

Extension of tool life through optimal concentration
Example: Broken off tap due to too low concentration

on average
US$ 1100

Reduction of days lost by employees

Reduction of the risk of skin rashes
(Most frequent reason for absenteeism in Germany)
Example: Reduction by 1 sick day per year

up to
US$ 220

Total potential savings per machine per year

US$ 5000

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